Sunday, July 13, 2008

I finally...

have July 4th pictures to post! I'm only a week late... :o) These are from the annual parade we attend locally. Jonah really had fun this year...Once he realized that he could watch cars, firetrucks and horses AND eat candy he had a total blast! In fact, he was so excited about picking up candy that he stuck the first piece he picked up straight into his mouth with the paper wrapping still on! (You can tell he eats a lot of candy, right?) While we were all laughing about that, he almost managed to stick another one in!

Me instructing Jonah
Let's see how many I can stuff in one hand - 1...2...3...

He really likes Tootsie-Rolls...That's all he practically wanted!

He had a flag to wave but he got tired of holding it so this is where it ended up. I love this shot...
I have more pictures to share but they'll have to wait until tomorrow. I'm exhausted (it's nearly 1 am) and it's been a looong day. I'll be back tomorrow to share some scrappy stuff and some of those other pictures I just mentioned. Have a great night!
Ta ta for now!


Anonymous said...

Jonah looks so cute i bet he did have alot of fun. I can't wait to see him again.

Jennie said...

I think I know this little boy from somewhere.... Oh yeah! He's sitting on my sofa eating oreos lol