Sunday, September 14, 2008

Houston, we have a problem...

We didn't have any power from about 10:30 this morning until about an hour ago! We had extremely high winds all morning that knocked out trees, power lines (sometimes these two together), roof shingles and basically anything that wasn't tied or cemented down. I discovered before the power outage that my poor little scarecrow girl had simply disappeared from my front steps. I'm hoping that she flew away to some nice new home with scarecrow-friendly owners and didn't get tangled into some random tree or bush upside down with her bloomers showing...I was tempted to do a search-and-rescue mission but I was still in my jammies and didn't want to startle my elderly neighbors (Note: jammies = no brazere!). Anyhoo, there was about a full hour today where I sincerely thought the three of us were going to do some harm to one another. Jonah simply could not understand why he could not watch "doggiesnemobugcar" (translation: 101 Dalmations. These four words are usually crammed together but the word said first indicates which actual movie he wants to watch...I know, it's hard. Not everyone can speak Jonah-ese...), Bishnu wanted to do something other than sit on the couch or dishes and I just wanted everyone to be happy so I could actually get some crafting time in without the distraction of the tv or technology! I started on some projects for Jonah's room so check back in tomorrow for a sneak peak!

Ta ta for now!


Anonymous said...

How fun to have your power go out with a two year old! So sorry! I think my kids would go crazy, too! Glad you were able to get some projects done, though. I look forward to seeing them!

Hope you are able to get things back together quickly after being blown away. At least you are safe!

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Lily said...

you sound like you have a great sense of humor about all this. Rofl at your scarecrow' bloomers!