Friday, November 14, 2008

Caution: History Nerd

in the house! So, I follow Deanna Raybourn's blog, Blog-A-Go-Go, and love checking out her links listed on her sidebar. She always finds the most interesting and creative places and it is a total blast delving into all of that information. Recently I clicked on one of these random links and honest to goodness almost hyperventilated right here at work. What was so exciting, so astronomical that I couldn't catch my breath and caused my co-workers about 30 seconds of pure panic you ask? Why, that would be the History Buff blog ( created by Michelle Moran. She collects news stories about breakthroughs in the archaelogy and history world that are not carried by major media outlets and posts them daily on her spectacular blog. Anyone who has attempted to locate these types of news stories will understand my elation - these are not easy to find. Only the fact that Mrs. Moran is also the author of two published books that have garnered critical acclaim in the historical fiction genre and that she's gorgeous make me feel slightly less nerdy. Just slightly.

Ta ta for now!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

You should start your own history blog :) But please... not in the buff ok? lol